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FUNKYJUNK is a free-for-all guild. You can find our guild stone on the area with the Tracy NPC (south of Tir Chonaill), next to the moongate. Feel free to join and post here on the guild page! exact location on the map: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v694/naranjita/stonemap.gif I've started adding some PLAY TIPS that might be helpful if you're just getting started, see the NOTICE board to read them!



===================================<BR>MABINOGI TIPS: PART FIVE (CONTINUED)<BR>===================================<br/>  <br/> MAPS, AREAS AND NPC'S<BR>=====================<BR>Continued, now about NPC's.<br/>  <br/> NPC interface<BR>-------------<BR>When you click on an NPC a dialog will pop up, click the button on the first window to choose more options. Most NPC's have four buttons or less to choose from. From left to right, the buttons are:<BR>1. conversation (会話)<BR>2. business (取引)<BR>3. repair (usually 修理)<BR>4. upgrade (usually 改造)<br/>  <br/> Some NPC's have special buttons, like storage npc's:<BR>1. conversation (会話)<BR>2. business/storage access (取引)<BR>3. coupon exchange (クーポン -- not sure where you get the coupons though!)<br/>  <br/> Or for instance the windmill NPC in Tir Chonaill:<BR>1. conversation (会話)<BR>2. operate windmill (風車を動かす)<br/>  <br/> There is also a special NPC in Dunbarton (Evan) that lets you recover items that you might have dropped, for example, if you got killed in an area and you lost an item as penalty (note that it will cost you some gold to get the item back, usually, half of the price of the actual item!).<BR>1. conversation (会話)<BR>2. business (取引)<BR>3. look for lost objects (紛失物を探す)<br/>  <br/> NPC interface: travel diary<BR>---------------------------<BR>When you choose to talk to an NPC, a travel diary will appear. You have several keywords to click. Sometimes, certain keywords will make the NPC tell you more about something or someone and a new keyword will appear on your diary (you can also see a list of all the keywords you know by checking out the third tab on the character stats panel). This is useful for getting skills and such. Sometimes you will learn a keyword from an NPC that can be used to get something from a different NPC.<br/> <BR>On the first diary pages are the keywords you will probably find more useful. From the top to the bottom (1st page, then 2nd page) you have:<br/> 1. private talk (個人的な話)<BR>2. local gossip (近所の噂)<BR>3. about skills (スキルについて)<BR>4. about arbeits (アルバイトについて)<BR>5. about lessons and training (授業と修練について)<br/>  <br/> Some NPC's can teach you skills, so you should click on the 3rd option. To request an arbeit from the NPC, use the 4th. Lastly, some NPC's can give you classes on a certain skill. These usually cost money. Use the 5th option for this.<br/>  <br/> All other buttons are usually to skip npc dialog or to say that you have nothing else to say to the npc (end conversation). These skip/end buttons will appear before the NPC's buttons mentioned above (example: to the left of the conversation button).<br/>  <br/> NPC interface: shops<BR>--------------------<BR>When you click the business button (取引) a shop window will appear. Most NPC shop windows will have different tabs at the top, each tab contains different kinds of items for sale. If there's also a flashing arrow at the top, click on it to reveal more shop tabs. To buy something simply drag an item from the shop to your inventory, then confirm with OK. Take good notice of the quantities you are buying (some npc's sell one item or bulk items, these are the small numbers at the corner of each item icon). To sell an item, drag it from your inventory to the shop window and confirm the transaction.<br/>  <br/> Storage NPC's are basically the same thing, with small differences. When you drag an item from your inventory to the storage, notice if the item has a storage comission (that is, if it costs to store/retrieve the item). If you store an item at a certain town, you will not be able to retrieve it from the storage of a different town. That is, the items are only accessible at the storage NPC you used to store the item. These items will be greyed out. Occasionaly, some items won't be readily available to be retrieved. If this happens, you will get a warning message and a pecentage will start appearing on the item's icon. You will have to wait for 100% before you can take it out of the storage.<br/>  <br/> NPC interface: repairing items<BR>------------------------------<BR>When you click repair (修理) a window will appear with damaged items that you can repair (each item has a durability [or item stamina]). Click on an item, then choose to repair 1 durability point by clicking on the first button below the items or click the second button below to fully repair the item. The third button closes the repair item window. The cost of the repair (1 point or full repair) is written on the buttons. Some items may be beyond repair. Don't let your items go to waste! Check their durability by putting your cursor over the items in your inventory. The durability will usually be the third item from the bottom of the item stats (the japanese word for it is 耐久力. Example: 耐久力 3/5 means that you will need to repair 2 points for the item to be fully repaired. When an item reaches a critical point, the durability line will turn red!).<br/>  <br/> NPC interface: upgrading items<BR>------------------------------<BR>When you use items and equipment, they will accumulate upgrade points. You will see a percentage on the item stats. When it reaches 100%, you will gain 1 upgrade point. You can only upgrade an item so many times, for example: 1/5 means that you've upgraded the item once and you have four upgrades left. Go to an NPC that can upgrade the item for you (certain NPC's can only upgrade certain types of item), then click the upgrade item option. Click the item from the list and see the upgrade options. Upgrading items costs money. If you can perform a certain type of upgrade, the option will be available to you. If not, the upgrade will be greyed-out (for instance, if you don't have enough upgrade points or enough money).<br/> <BR>NPC interface: a note about repairing/upgrading<BR>-----------------------------------------------<BR>A lot of items can be upgraded, from weapons to tools to equipment. Some items can't be upgraded (upgrade 0/0 type). All items that can be used will eventually have their durability decreased (weapons, equipment, tools, even your sewing kit will!). So be careful and check the durability of your items. A completely damaged item will no longer work!<br/>  <br/> NEXT PLAY TIPS<BR>==============<BR>NPC's in detail. Tailoring.<br/>

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